moving around, scratching its head, clasping its hands!
it seemed so unreal but the ultrasound technician assured me, it's really mine, in my belly! i couldn't quite connect the two, the picture of a baby on the screen and that it really should be inside me, i can't feel anything yet! and there's no real bump either!
it's about 9 cm big now.
i also got assessed for the midwifery led unit and 'passed'! that doesn't neccessarily mean i will give birth there, but at least i've got the chance.
time to get organised for yoga classes, and 'gentle birth' classes, err, are there breastfeeding classes!?
PS should i be worried about the baby's big belly?? the ultrasound technician didn't seem worried, but she was very rushed and didn't have much time (a little disappointing seeing as this is my only official scan... if my GP didn't happen to have a machine it would be the only scan for the whole 9 months! but of course as a GP he's not fully equipped and trained to measure and spot problems, he does it just for a bit of reassurance that the baby's moving and its heart is beating)
oh... please don't worry. I think that if there was a cause for concern they would have at least ordered more ultrasounds. think happy thoughts.
and Sally says she loves you too.
Congratulations! So lovely to see a little baby in there.
Don't worry about the big belly - it all starts to look more normal the farther along you get. Just keep in mind that it looked like a tadpole not too long ago...
P - duh, I never noticed you had a blog or I would have been here before, sorry!
Congratulations, the scans are so exciting! Don't worry a minute about anythiing unless they tell you to, it looks just like any other tiny teenie I've seen.
Congratulations, how exciting! I loved being pregnant, such a special time :)
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